Monday, June 06, 2005

Spanish Girls. An answer to Colin.

Hi bloggers.

If you read Colin's blog as well as mine you've had read about an english friend of him who was having problems with a spanish girl. So I decided to clarify things for him as much as I can, and also talk to you about my experience and knowledge about girls and spain.

In my little experience with Spanish girls (some might say I'm being too humild, but that would be too arogant ;-)), as I have some, I could say they really like playing, but thats being generalistic. Of course not every girl on the street wants to play with us. But as I met girls from other countries I might say that's common in women. I had friends in love with foreigners and I met girls outside spain. The problem is with us, not with them. As a matter of fact they always know what they want and what we want from them, but that's easy, as we always want the same thing. And also we are too macho to realize they just want to have a good time, well, it's better to say we have a different idea about what's having a good time with a girl.

I'm not trying to contradict my friend Colin, as he's much more experienced with woman than I am but I just want to show you my point of view.

Generalizing, men always want something from woman different as they want from us. When they show a little interest we misunderstood it believing we have a chance for...(I'm trying not to be rude). They need weeks of chating, knowing ourselves, we need a night (and sometimes even seconds, it depends on how much drinks we have had that night).

But as I lived at Pontevedra I know what night is. There are some places in wich spanish mates go for having a girl just for one night (I have a friend who is an expert on that). If the english boy went to one of them I can believe he thought she wanted something more than just a night. Boys from Pontevedra know it, and they go to that places because they know some girls there, are looking for that. Of course some of them go there because they want to have a good time (this time meaning a girls good time) and we need to know whether they want to shag or they want just to dance, and knowing that is the difference of a succesful boy or a non succesful one (I might say I'm part of the second group). That's what makes the difference, knowing what they want from us and it doesn't have to do with being handsome or a good speaker, it has to do with our minds.

The main difference between Spain and the other countries is boys and girls are more naif. It's just a short time since we became a democracy and shorter even when the "machismo" became past. So we have liberal girls, wich we didn't have in the past, and it's hard to a rude spaniard to understand some girls would just want to have a laugh or to shag. So the problem I talked before it's even bigger, specially when you are used to different ways of thinking. He might have seen the signs at england, but not here, that's what I mean.

And spaniards are also confused, I mean boys. I was always the naif kind, so my sight on those signs is even worst than on any other boy from outside spain and this time I can't really help. My friends would be better on that sense.

I could also talk about my flat mate, who's a girl, and who's of the non liberal kind, but I will left it for another time.

Cheers and farewell.


(PS: I'm looking forward to seeing somebody. Come soon.)

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