Saturday, November 05, 2005

And so on...

Hi fellows.

It´s the 6th day and we still have the princess on our TVs. It seems the country is anxious about seeing her face. Unexpectedly it wasn´t allowed to show the baby born princess, and still we wait (well, I´m not really interested). Usually I read the newspapers on the internet, and ocasionally I watch the news on TV after the Simpsons during the weekends. I don´t know what are they waiting for, and I have my own guess about the reasons. Either she´s too ugly and she´s taking surgery, or they´re waiting for the country to enjoy a little about it before they get too bored and listen to the last real important news, at that moment they´ll show her so they can forget real issues.

While the country is rejoycing with the new royal birth, there´s some other things happening. The miner´s strike, the "estatut", unemployment, etc... So it looks like a strategy from any smart gobernment, it´s like football or religion quoting Marx.

This week has been a week of pain, I´ve been a bit ill. I had kind of a cold and also I had the brilliant idea of playing a football match on wednesday as ill as I was. As a result I can´t breath properly, I cough and I had the last two days horrible aches on all my body as a result of running after a year of not doing any excercise. In the past I made a lot of sport, I went to gyms, play indoor football, basketball and swin, but since I came to Madrid I didn´t have enough time, energy and also I didn´t feel like doing any. So that´s why I decided to play the match. I also have bad knees, and I shouldn´t play football, my mum would be ashamed. But the most strange thing and also annoying is a feeling I´ve got on my left hand. I have what we call in Spanish "hormigueo" (I could translate it like ant-feeling) and also my senses seems to be shorter, I mean, I can´t feel temperature, pain with my left hand as with the right one. After some research I discovered it can be a compressed nerve, and it also said to go to the doctor inmediatly. I´ll do it this afternoon as it´s an annoying feeling, or better to say not feeling. But don´t be too worried as it also said it´s not really important.

On other hand I´ll move to my new location on Monday. My confortable life working at 15 minutes from my house is at it´s end. Next place will be at an hour from here and also means taking trains and buses again. I hope at least it´ll be a confortable trip. In some ways I´d like it, as I miss reading books on the tube, and also I miss watching people.

About underground, the last news are about security. There was an increase on attacks to people and security officers. The new measure includes 20 trained dogs. So the new Madrid´s tube will have dogs included. I like german shepperds, so I hope I´ll see them. I would like to touch them, but I´m not sure they´ll allow me.

Well, see you soon. I´ll tell you about my hand.

Cheers, farewell and have a nice weekend.


PS: Gracias por leerme Josito, estoy en Madrid, ahora trabajaré en Repsol. Mándame un emilio, please, de paso la dirección de Alfonso.

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