Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A long time

Hi fellows.

I´m sorry, I now it´s a long time since my last post. And I also noticed a decrease in visits, it´s totally my fault, I´m lazy. I beg your pardon.

It´s been two weeks since my last post. IT has snowed twice since, and the second one was only but wonderful. The snow flakes were as big as my thumb, and even bigger. Unfortunatly it was 2AM on Saturday night, wich made it impossible to become an excuse not to go to work. When I woke up the street was completly snowed 20cm thick. Even the road was snowed making it hard for the cars to pass. It was beautiful.

I have bad news about me being a godfather. There´s no new born baby anynmore, at least this time, my best wishes to my sister, there´ll be another chance. It was a medical decission not to have it, so there was nothing to do but to trust them.

I feel a bit ashamed about my job. It´s the second week without anything to do, so I spend the day googleing, reading emails, and doing nothing (I know I had no excuse not to have written a new post). So I´m being payed just for waking up early in the morning, driving 20minutes and spending the day beside my desk letting time pass by. It´s not completely my fault, the reason was the company that hired mine estimated the completion time over 10 times the reality. I believe my partner and myself made it possible, but it resulted on not having anything to do at the moment. I know we´ll have some work in the future.

But there´s more than just one guilty. I´ll try to explain as best as I can. three companies (I´ll call them "1", "2" and "3")were offering different prizes for the Repsol´s project. "3" retired. So there were two companies offereing completly different prizes, "2" two times more the cheapest. So Repsol decided to give the project to "1" but then "2" made a new and much cheaper offer. At the last time they decided to talk to "1" and threaten them. They offered sharing the project and regret their offer and "1" accepted, except the money the different companies got at the end was like 30% for "1" and 70% for "2", I mean the worst was for "1"wich wich made the best offer at first and the threatening company "2" got 70%. So the project belongs to "1", even when they earn less money from it, and also they are the head of the project, if something goes wrong it´ll be their fault, strange isn´t it?. My own company is only a collaborator, we get payed by "1" and not from Repsol.

At the moment, "1" has finished 90% of their job (thanks to us) but "2" hasn´t done anything yet. There´s been some tension between them for the last two weeks and as a result I can´t continue working because I need some data from the lazier company. But as we say in spanish "A mar revuelta ganancia de pescadores" wich could be translated freely as "On a sea storm the fisherman wins", I mean when something goes wrong there´s always someone who´ll earn something from it. It could be my own company. If "1" get´s really bored and angry at "2" they could fire them (even losing money) just not to make Repsol mad at them (actually they are mad with "2" but as "1" is the head of the project and the one who receives all the money (later they´ll give the 70% to "2") they´re are annoyed with "1"). If "2" got expelled from the project there´ll be more work to be done, and we´ll do it (my company).

But at the moment I´m totally bored and I just want to go home. It´s only being bad for myself, as I get used to do nothing, and later it´ll be difficult to start working again. There´s also the other people at the office could believe I´m a lazy bastard and also I´m cheeky, but it´s not my fault. I hope I´ll have some work soon or I´ll get crazy. I told my boss and he told me it´ll be possible to move me from here, but it´ll be easier to move my partenr as I´m the responsable one of us (kind of a small boss, with 1 person at my charge, it should be nice).

Well, let´s see what happens. At least I learned yesterday my company trusts me, and I also learned they had given me more responsabilities than I thought. I hope they remember it next year when we talk about my salary ;-)

Hope everything´s fine with you. See you soon and please don´t forget I exist, even when I don´t write that often.

Farewells from Manoel.

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