Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Some events

Hi everybody.

The last week I attend some really interesting events. As a matter of fact I spent half the last week being drunk. I'm living for these week and part of the last one with a friend of Faye (and now also mine) in Shipbourn, Kent. I go to London almost everyday from there, what is a 45 minutes Train trip. Thanks to that I don't have to spend my days in the last corner of the world surrounded by birds, green grass and trees, and nothing else. And also I have nothing else, so I'm pleased being there (well if the things went wrong I could go again to Chesire, wich I'd really like in some ways, not for the cows, of course).

Anyway, the fact is that last week I had to wait for hours before I could meet the girl to go back to her house. That meant I had to spend some time reading my book at the first pub I could find. Normally it was 2 or 3 hours. It was a fantastic time, but for not feeling guilty I bought some pints. So I spent that time reading and drinking. When the time to meet her came I was quite drunk all those days, I mean not really drunk, just happy enough. The problem was on thursday and friday that later I had to go to some events.

The first one was a raffle. My friend Alice works for charity (but being paid). Her job is organizing events to get money. I would say she's a begger, but it's not exactly true, she's more polite and the money is not for herself. The event was in the reopening of a very posch bar/restaurant called Brown's. I was amazed because it was really posch and because I saw some nice girls there also. I was really happy, and mostly because of the beer. As I had nothing else to do I decided to go to the event with her and help. I didn't expect Champagne coming all the time as we sold the tickets for the raffle, but it did come. So the fact is that while I was selling the tickets with my friend I was falling slowly in a really good drunken state. We sold a lot, anyway, we were very succesful. They also gave us really nice food, so you can imagine how happy I was.

But as all you know I'm a very good observer. So the raffle in the posch place gave me an opportunity to look closely to posch people. The first thing I realized is they weren't that posch. I mean they were richer than us, but only small executive type. I could see those ugly guys with really pretty girls, that's the power of love.

Selling things to rich people, specially for charity, is a really good thing if you want to see how mean they are. The poorest the generous, the richest the mean. But that's not exactly true. If they were with their pretty tall blondies they gave more money (one of them gave 20£), but if they were alone they only give the minimun. They were very generous, all of them, even the meaniest. I wander if I had done the same thing in Spain we'd colect the same amount.

The prizes were really good, and also the price of the raffle, so we were really succesful, and drunk, and happy. Everybody was happy, specially the guy that won the 1st prize, a nice guy, he really deserved it.

Later that night more things happend, funny things, well, just two, but I'll leave them for the next post as my money runs out on the cyber.

Cheers. See you soon.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are the other two things that happened? Don't keep me in suspense!!!