Saturday, July 31, 2004

Just some news

I found out I could have a 1Gb email Account with 100Mb of Free Webspace and 250Mb of photos. So I decided that it could be a good idea if I just started a new photo Gallery for my Blog. I love to add contents to my websites so I belived it's going to be great. I'll include any photo related to my travel, so as it's still 2 months to my departure I guess I have no photo to put in.

So, if you like my blog and wants to know more about my adventure I tell you to look after 2 months (and some days) to see my new Photo Gallery Stuff. I planed to bring my digital camera with me, so I guess I'll take some photos from the airports (Vigo, Madrid in Spain, and Gattwick in London).

If you're a bit interested in that just look at the links section to see if I had added a "Photo Gallery" section in it (in the future I'll add a link to it in a different part of the Blog, more clear and easy to be seen). However I guess I'll publish some photos from Galicia and myself before I leave. Just look at the links section sometimes and you might see.

The future Londoner.

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