Monday, July 04, 2005

Straight vs Non Straight

Hi fellows.

Living at Madrid could be fun. Apart from all the problems, disturbances and crowded streets and/or public transport, distance from your working place and the horrible, unbearable heat, you always have something to do, see. Just a few weeks after the samba event we had the gay proud day and another bomb by ETA, that's what's like living in the place where everything happens in Spain. And also we'll have the olympics city chosing on wednesday, I wonder what'll happen if finally Madrid gets elected (I will feel a bit sorry about Paris and London, but if I'm going to be here on 2012 I would preffer Madrid to be chosen).

This days I have somthing else to talk about. I preffer to tell you this first, as it's small and not that important but really annoying. I told you my bedroom is an interior one, I mean the window doesn't face the street but another windows of the same building. It acts as a sound ampliffier and I get all the conversations between the neighbourghood. I call it "radiopatio" wich I could translate into innercourtyardradio. I hear every argument neighbours have even if I don't want to. This days specially because I can't close the window because of the heat. But this week is being even worst as the bloody neighbours dog (it's more like a rat) is having the heat and it screams like a bloody cat, sometimes as a pig bing killed. Of course it's more intense at night, so I can't sleep properly. I should call the police anyway, but I feel sorry for the animal, altough not for the bloody owners.

Now it's time for a short briefing about being at "Chueca" (the gay quarter in Madrid) on the gay proud day. I'm not homofobic although I don't like men at all (you know what I mean, or you should). A friend of mine, actually she's more than a friend, came to visit me during the weekend. We had a really good time. I didn't know where to take her as I don't really know Madrid (I didn't bother to visit anything yet, so lazy I am). I decided to take her to chueca as I know there's a lot of clothes shops there and she likes shoping (not as much as my sister, I'll take her there too as soon as she cames). But I didn't realize it was a festival on saturday. I noticed something strange was happening when I saw all those guys on the tube kissing each other and I've been to that part of Madrid before without seeing them. The street was coloured, decorated with multicolor flags and it was full of people (I could tell they were not straight). A group was preparing a van, placing big pink laces on it and arranging the speakers. The music was loud and it looked like a big preparation for fiesta.

I don't like to generalize, or to use stereotypes, but this time it was so obvious. They dressed far from what I call normal for myself. They used tshirts without leeves and they also were rally musculed, with fancy haircuts, shorts and fashion trainers or sandals. They were really fashion and also the shops. She loved them, I mean the shops. I felt like I was going to miss a big party. I also felt pity for a friend of mine and another friend of my sister. They'll love to be there. My greetings for both.

Later I saw on TV how big and funny it was. It really was kind of a demonstration and even some politicians were there. I'm pretty sure not because they are homosexual but more as a political action to earn some votes from gay people. That's something I don't like as much as I don't like politicians. In fact it was the same politicians that were at the demonstrations for the 11March and the Prestige thing, they fight for votes, you know.

Anyway, I was glad to see the preparations, it was beautiful and a prelude for fun, that's always nice.

Cheers and farewell, I hope I'll write some more soon. Meanwhile, and I'm sorry for this, but let's Madrid be chosen for the olympics.


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