Monday, May 23, 2005

Things going well

Hi bloggers.

If you were worried about me, I might tell you things are getting better. At least I do know now I'm not getting fired, and also I'm going to work for the new department and not being moved to another place, wich means I won't lose money (I don't want to be mean, but life is rough enough). I still don't have a computer of my own, but I'm treated better. My "new" boss asked me to do things without asking me if I knew how to do them, and I did them, and did them well. So I believe he's happy with me. That's quite a step, don't you think?

But I'm also afraid of being too positive. I tend to be negative, but in the past, when things were getting better there was always something bad that happened, so I decided just to be cautious.

I'll mantain you well informed about anything that happens to me, specially because my "new" boss has some peculiarities I'd like you to know, unless I forgot about them. I'm sure I won't.



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